Unable to select keyword field for term aggregation

Hey using 7.10.2 and I'm trying to make some visualizations. There are some fields that I can't select for term aggregations in charts etc. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

But I've tried all sorts of mapping template settings to try and make it work.

Here are current index settings:

  "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
      "properties": {
        "date": {
          "type": "date"
        "minutes": {
          "type": "double"
        "mix": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "doc_values": false,
          "index_options": "freqs"
        "mix_id": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "eager_global_ordinals": true
        "region": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "store": true,
          "eager_global_ordinals": true
        "user_id": {
          "type": "keyword"

I can see date and minutes (double) for terms aggregation, string fields _id, _index, _type, but not region or mix or mix_id (which I'd like to use). Do I need an upgrade?



Ok so I upgraded to 7.14.1 and it's working now, good work, people.

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