Unable to take snapshot on S3

Latests days I am getting this error while running a snapshot on S3 repository:

  "error" : {
	"root_cause" : [
		"type" : "amazon_client_exception",
		"reason" : "Unable to execute HTTP request: connect timed out"
	"type" : "amazon_client_exception",
	"reason" : "Unable to execute HTTP request: connect timed out",
	"caused_by" : {
	  "type" : "socket_timeout_exception",
	  "reason" : "connect timed out"
  "status" : 500

I found some other people getting this error worked around it by setting buffer_size snapshot repository param to small size (eg: 5mb).

I tried to set this param but got this:

   "error": {
	  "root_cause": [
			"type": "process_cluster_event_timeout_exception",
			"reason": "failed to process cluster event (put_repository [s3-backup]) within 30s"
	  "type": "process_cluster_event_timeout_exception",
	  "reason": "failed to process cluster event (put_repository [s3-backup]) within 30s"
   "status": 503

In fact, I am getting similar errors when I try to create new snapshot repository:

   "error": {
	  "root_cause": [
			"type": "repository_exception",
			"reason": "[s3-backup-1] failed to create repository"
	  "type": "repository_exception",
	  "reason": "[s3-backup-1] failed to create repository",
	  "caused_by": {
		 "type": "amazon_client_exception",
		 "reason": "Unable to execute HTTP request: connect timed out",
		 "caused_by": {
			"type": "socket_timeout_exception",
			"reason": "connect timed out"
   "status": 500

Any suggestions?

I'm running 5.3.0 single node.

How many shards in your cluster?

Single shard.
Around 8 million docs, 26 GB size store.

Solved by restarting service.

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