I have had experience with such but not without data loss. The reality
is that some data loss has already occurred. I am not aware of any ES
solution that will allow you to retrieve what data remains, without further
data loss, and restore the index to green status. I have seen reference to
some who in desperate situations have resorted to writing Lucene code in
order extract the data from the lucene level in order build a new index. I
also suspect if the index is searchable, that you can perform a scan and
scroll to retrieve what records remain, and build a new index.
It would seem that you need to take a backup of the index as it is and
proceed soon to rebuild that index, as in this degraded state the risk of
additional data loss is real.
I truly hope that Elasticsearch continues in the direction of making their
tools Enterprise ready, including building some data recovery tools for
this very situation. When it happened to me, I got lucky and no longer
needed the index that was corrupted. I also have a source of data that
will allow me to rebuild my indexes at any point with an Amazon EMR job.
On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Darius dariusr88@gmail.com wrote:
I'd like to thank everyone for their help & suggestions.
So the problem was a ES version missmatch. I had a cluster of two ES
servers and one of them was running ES 1.4 and the other - 1.3. This is
what prevented the index replicas from assigning to the second node. I've
since updated the ES versions to 1.4 on both and the issue is mostly
I have a new problem now! One index replica (out of 300) remained
UNASSIGNED. I have also an error which is most likely shows the reason:
WARN ][cluster.action.shard ] [ES node 2] [domain.com][0] received
shard failed for [domain.com][0], node[vSC8rzYwTWiGVRxa_0lkpg], [R],
s[INITIALIZING], indexUUID [WEnzmEWmSMC80FaED_wXVQ],* reason [engine
failure, message [corrupted preexisting
index][CorruptIndexException[[domain.com http://domain.com][0]
Preexisting corrupted index [corrupted_Ue2cAcsjSvmlFkFanPJp6Q] caused by:
CorruptIndexException[codec footer mismatch: actual footer=92416 vs
expected footer=-1071082520 *(resource:
Has anyone, by any chance, had any experience with errors like such and
has a possible solution that would not include data loss? 
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