I use ES-1.7.2. I started the cluster 3-4 days back and have not restarted the cluster at all. After couple of days, Marvel stopped working. When I investigate, I saw some of the primary and replica shards are not assigned. The logs have the following messages almost every minute -
6/ev002.log.2015-10-07:[2015-10-07 23:54:37,318][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter ] [data-6] create failure (index:[.marvel-2015.10.08] type: [node_stats]): UnavailableShardsException[[.marvel-2015.10.08][0] Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned to a known node. Timeout: [1m], request: org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkShardRequest@262dcb91]
Here is the shard allocation:
.marvel-2015.10.08 0 r UNASSIGNED
.marvel-2015.10.08 0 p UNASSIGNED
.marvel-2015.10.07 0 p STARTED 232749 374.5mb data-1
.marvel-2015.10.07 0 r UNASSIGNED
.marvel-2015.10.09 0 r UNASSIGNED
.marvel-2015.10.09 0 p UNASSIGNED
How do I recover from this state? and what could have gone wrong in the first place?