On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:45 AM, Radu Gheorghe
radu.gheorghe@sematext.com wrote:
The Shutdown API (available in 0.19.8) doesn't relocate the shards
before stopping the JVM. But Elasticsearch should automatically
redistribute replicas to your other nodes so that everything should be
OK eventually. Take a look here:
Ah, I hadn't seen that with the transient setting before. Wish I had.
Any clues in the logs of the empty node? If not, I would turn on
debugging and see it it brings out any new info.
Nothing in the logs that I can see. That node did pick up some shards
after restarting nodes which had redundant data though, so there's not
much else I can investigate there.
Also, what is the state of your unallocated shards? Are they
initializing or simply "not allocated"?
Yeah, I have one index now where all replicas are simply "UNASSIGNED".
Do you have any shard allocation settings defined?
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Yes, it there are some routing.allocation settings on the index
missing its replicas, from when we had to push some indexes around a
while back. It's my hunch that this is related, as it's now the only
difference between indexes in the cluster. It now has an include.name
and include.tag settings. There are no more node tags, so that can't
match anything now, and I wonder if it's overriding the include.name.
I really want to just remove these settings now, but I haven't found
any way to do so without building a new index.
I'd also try disabling replicas and enabling them again using the
Indices Update Settings API:
Elasticsearch Platform — Find real-time answers at scale | Elastic
Tried that, but new replicas just show up immediately as UNASSIGNED,
and nothing happens.
I know, it sounds a lot like "did you try turning it off and on
again?", but who knows 
May have to resort to that. I could get in a point-release update too.