After I upgraded ES stack to 5.2.1-1, I'm getting a lot of bulk index errors around 1 minute into the indexing process.
2017-02-21 09:37:56,293 Push failed with error (u'3 document(s) failed to index.', [{u'index': {u'status': 403, u'_type': u'cloudtrail', u'_id': u'12c76afa-09f5-443f-b636-cd0024d452c1', u'error': {u'reason': u'action [indices:data/write/bulk[s][p]] is unauthorized for user [_system]', u'type': u'security_exception'}, u'_index': u'logstash-2016-12-10'}}, {u'index': {u'status': 403, u'_type': u'cloudtrail', u'_id': u'0545239b-cdf5-4efd-ba43-8c39f16fadf0', u'error': {u'reason': u'action [indices:data/write/bulk[s][p]] is unauthorized for user [_system]', u'type': u'security_exception'}, u'_index': u'logstash-2016-12-10'}}, {u'index': {u'status': 403, u'_type': u'cloudtrail', u'_id': u'8d55abd9-891f-454c-abbb-6c6da36a293b', u'error': {u'reason': u'action [indices:data/write/bulk[s][p]] is unauthorized for user [_system]', u'type': u'security_exception'}, u'_index': u'logstash-2016-12-10'}}])
Basically I'm using pyelasticsearch to push AWS cloudtrail logs to all the nodes in the cluster, this one in particular has 8 nodes (1 master). This happens pretty much to all the nodes randomly around 1 minute after the indexing starts and it happens when the bulk index slows down for example, when the request took around 10 seconds to respond instead of 0.05 second.
Failed docs are all from the same index as you can see from the logs above 'logstash-2016-12-10'. I'm not really using Logstash to push the logs, just keeping the naming convention. After a while, around 30 seconds this behavior is gone and the rest of indexing goes smoothly.