Unavailable Shards Exception Not enough active copies to meet write consistency of [QUORUM] (have 1, needed 2)

Hi All,

We are using ES version 1.7.2 in Production cluster. ES cluster has 3 different physical servers.

We have 3 indices such as es_chr, es_cval & es_item
Sync job is running everyday for all indices. Yesterday during sync process we have got the following error in log table,

{"_index":"es_item","_type":"item","_id":"4259973","status":503,"error":"RemoteTransportException[[dayrhebfmp004_PROD_DATA][inet[/]][indices:data/write/bulk[s]]]; nested: UnavailableShardsException[[es_item][10] Not enough active copies to meet write consistency of [QUORUM] (have 1, needed 2). Timeout: [1m], request: org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkShardRequest@79a16f00]; "}}
{"_index":"es_item","_type":"item","_id":"4415669","status":503,"error":"RemoteTransportException[[dayrhebfmp004_PROD_DATA][inet[/]][indices:data/write/bulk[s]]]; nested: UnavailableShardsException[[es_item][10] Not enough active copies to meet write consistency of [QUORUM] (have 1, needed 2). Timeout: [1m], request: org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkShardRequest@79a16f00]; "}}

Some of the items were indexed properly but some items were failed to do so.

Is there any reason Why I am getting an error during sync job process?

Please kindly help me this..

Ganeshbabu R

Are you specifying write consistency?
How many replicas do you have?

No @warkolm I didn't use write consistency.

I have given replica as "2"

Ganeshbabu R

+1 any updates?