Understanding Metrics ( Cumulative indexing time of primary shards )

These stats use Elasticsearch's index stats API. Specifically, they use _stats/_all?level=shards and from there the index_time_in_millis stat.

For the sake of an example, I ran the geonames append-no-conflicts-index-only benchmark against a single ES 8.6.1 node; this generates one geonames index with 5 pri / 0 replica by default.

After the end of the benchmark I checked the stats API:

curl ... https://.../geonames/_stats/_all?pretty\&human\&level=shards | jq ._all.primaries.indexing
  "index_total": 11396503,
  "index_time": "12.8m",
  "index_time_in_millis": 773155,

whereas rally reported

| Cumulative indexing time of primary shards | | 12.8859 | min |

which matches what stats reported above (see index_time)