Unexpected result on Query Tester

Hello everyone,
I was wondering why my Query Tester search gives me the following result, using the query "albert":

First result has a score of 6.36 and second one has a score of 6.24. First result match field is shorter than second one (+ score), but there are more term matches on the second one, can anyone help me and explain it to me?



Do you have any Relevance tuning rules set up? Relevance Tuning Guide, Weights and Boosts | Elastic App Search Documentation [7.15] | Elastic


I had a question about scoring not too long ago. I didn't really knew what was going on. I cannot give you a complete answer, but maybe help you in the right direction as others did for me:

  1. Knowing some basics about the Elastic algorithm is pretty useful, if you do not know that already. Here is a good explainer Practical BM25 - Part 2: The BM25 Algorithm and its Variables | Elastic Blog
  2. Relevance tuning, search fields and weights, as already mentioned will impact the scoring.
  3. If you use APIcalls, or just use them for testing, you can use the Explain-method. This will give you info on the buildup of the scoring for a document. So what contributes how much to the score. Haven't tried it myself so far, but if you are looking for details, this seems to be a good thing to try. For documentation see: Explain API | Elasticsearch Guide [7.15] | Elastic

Good luck!

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