Unexpected results on transpositions

Hello folks,
Is there a way to calculate/analyze how many expansions I would like to use in my query. I was playing with the query below, and the default 50 max_expansions was not enough to get "John" out of "Jhon". I don't want to "abuse" of the max_expansions due to the warnings everywhere about possible performance issues, but not sure is there is a way to "experiment" with it kind of what you can do with "_analyze".
Thanks in advance

PD: query I was trying.

                "bool": {
                                "firstname": {
                                    "query": "jhon",
                                    "fuzziness": "2" 
                                    ,"fuzzy_transpositions":true //supposedly is default
                                "lastname": {
                                    "query": "doe"

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