I'm having problems understanding where I'm going wrong. I've set up a
simple ES cluster and I am able to insert data fairly quickly using a
simple program.
I would like to be able to define a unique constraint (ID Field) on the
data and use it to remove remove any true duplicates which are duplicated
across all fields. If I can use an ID column that I provide, I would be
able to re-add a range of data knowing I had not created any duplicates.
It kind of sounded like the ID field does that, but it isn't clear from the
Following the ES web page suggestion, I added the following...
When running the below script, I get an error about the provided ID not
matching the content one.
What am I doing wrong?
curl -XPOST
'http://localhost:9200/log20130207/webservicebolcalls?replication=async' -d
"_id": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed",
"store" : "yes"
#curl -XPOST
-d '{
curl -XPOST
'http://localhost:9200/log20130207/webservicebolcalls?replication=async' -d
"_timestamp":"1/16/2013 2:03:07 AM",
#{"error":"MapperParsingException[Failed to parse [_id]]; nested:
MapperParsingException[Provided id [TPGerHo3QLKz3jx1UXR09g] does not match
the content one [2171985207026]]; ","status":400}
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