Unique URL and query param patching

I'm trying to solve this problem: Goal

To build a system that supports a highly concurrent & scalable URL matching algorithm.

I'm looking for tools, technologies, patterns & strategies.


Imagine you have an InputURL:

In some data storage / structure / mechanism we might store the PossibleURLs:

record 1: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small&color=red
record 2: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small
record 3: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small&color=blue
record 4: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=medium&color=blue
record 5: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=large&color=blue
record 6: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small&country=us
record 7: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small&color=pink
... millions more of variations.
I want to build a system that can take the InputURL and within a few ms, return back all the PossibleURLs where the InputURL contains all of the PossibleURL params.

In the scenario above, because the PossibleURL contain "size=small" & "color=pink" these records would have been matched:

record 2: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small
record 6: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small&country=us
record 7: www.awesomesite.com/product?size=small&color=pink

High Scalability: Requests will be coming in at rates of 1000's to hundreds of thousands per second.
Speed: The matching needs to be done in < 10 ms
Huge Record Size: The # of PossibleRecords will grow to millions. However they will not always be from the same domain.

A friend suggested that it could be done using elastic search. Can I use ElasticSearch to handle the logic & Elastic.co to support to handle the infrastructure?

Is this specific to a found cluster you have or just a general ES question?

I'm looking to Signup for Found, if its the right solution for the Job.I
believe it could be, but was hoping you guys could give me a little insight
as to whether or not ElasticSearch could be the tool and your platform
could facilitate the requirements I have.
From what i can tell, its possible, to do what i'm thinking with elastic
search, and we will probably need a decent size cluster for the level of
traffic and url's we have coming through our platform.

If it would help to jump on a call to answer questions and clarify our
needs let me know.

Thanks so much for your help,

Ok let me move this to the Elasticsearch category and we can discuss the core question first :slight_smile:

Sounds good.