Hi everyone,
I currently have a query with the purpose being to only retrieve documents with a unique "Object ID"
And then order the documents by the date they were created
It'd be the equivalent to "SELECT DISTINCT id, DateCreated, Cat FROM table GROUP BY ObjectID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC" in SQL
However, the sort does not seem to work, I'm not sure if this even possible / defeats the purpose of top hits, or if I need to add another aggregation ?
Elasticsearch version: 5.6.5
{ "aggs": { "agg1": { "terms": { "field": "ObjectID" }, "aggs": { "top_docs": { "top_hits": { "sort": [ { "DateCreated": { "order": "asc" } } ], "_source": { "includes": [ "id", "DateCreated", "Cat", "Name" ] }, "size" : 1 } } } } } }
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated