Unknown setting [action.bulk.compress]


We are currently trying to move from ES 1.7.5 to ES 5.5.0 .

Init elasticSearch class :

final Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("cluster.name", this.elasticsearchManagerDAO.getClusterName()) //$NON-NLS-1$
.put("action.bulk.compress", false) //$NON-NLS-1$
final TransportClient esClient = new PreBuiltTransportClient(settings);

What's the problem with this configuration ?

The property isn't supported on new version of elasticSearch ?

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown setting [action.bulk.compress] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.AbstractScopedSettings.validate(AbstractScopedSettings.java:293) ~[elasticsearch-5.5.0.jar:5.5.0]
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.AbstractScopedSettings.validate(AbstractScopedSettings.java:256) ~[elasticsearch-5.5.0.jar:5.5.0]
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.SettingsModule.(SettingsModule.java:139) ~[elasticsearch-5.5.0.jar:5.5.0]
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient.buildTemplate(TransportClient.java:138) ~[elasticsearch-5.5.0.jar:5.5.0]
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient.(TransportClient.java:265) ~[elasticsearch-5.5.0.jar:5.5.0]


	<!-- Elasticsearch -->



Thank you for the answer.

Hi @Abdeslam_Kadri,

The error message tells:

unknown setting [action.bulk.compress] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings

To be honest, I could not even find any documentation about this setting so I can only guess what this setting does. Note that earlier versions of Elasticsearch were lenient with misspelled names of settings. Newer versions are strict in this respect and refuse to continue.

Hence, I recommend you remove this setting altogether when building settings for the transport client.


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