I've recently posted a question regarding mysterious field data cache
eviction[1]: ES is evicting field data cache entries even though it's
nowhere near the limit I've set.
In an unrelated post, someone found the root cause of this problem[2]: the
maximum cache size specified is actually split evenly between Guava's cache
partitions. ES configures Guava to use 16 partitions[3], which means that
any given field data inserted will actually have a maximum size of
indices.fielddata.cache.size / 16
In my case, I configured the cache size to be 10GB, but saw eviction at
very low cache usage (1.5GB in some cases). This is because at least one of
the cache partitions hit its maximum size of 625MB.
Obviously, the short-term solution is to increase the field data cache
size, but this will require that we overcommit by quite a bit in order to
have partitions with a sensible size for our most frequent queries.
Until Guava provides a way to have a global maximum size instead of a
per-partition size (as mentioned by Craig in his post), it would be nice to
have a handle on the number of partitions created for this cache. If I set
this to 2, for example, I'm still allowing 2 threads to write to this cache
concurrently without having to overcommit my global field data cache size
(at least not by much).
Anyone have another idea about how to deal with this?
[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/elasticsearch/54XzFO44yJI/sd7Fm-WcrPcJ
[2] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/elasticsearch/42qrpYRJvsU/jhl3UZZG5sQJ
[3] https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/blob/master/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/indices/fielddata/cache/IndicesFieldDataCache.java#L77
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