Unsupported Media Type - issues when trying to do a comparison of spaces components and copying over into existing space all types in one ansible script

We are migrating from one space in our kibana to another - there are over 500 elements in the one space, visualizations, queries, lens, dashboards etc. We have been able to get a file created but when we run the ansible script - we are not able to do the comparison -

"msg": "Status code was 415 and not [200]: HTTP Error 415: Unsupported Media Type

This is our script : It is part of a larger solution with backup/copy/compare - this does not let us do the compare -

Set Fact for Saved Object

  • name: Set Fact for Saved Object
    saved_object_data: "{{ saved_object.attributes | to_nice_json }}"

Check if Saved Object Already Exists in Destination Space

  • name: Check if Saved Object Already Exists in Destination Space
    exists_in_destination: false
    when: destination_saved_objects.saved_objects | length > 0

  • name: Loop through destination saved objects
    loop: "{{ destination_saved_objects.saved_objects }}"
    loop_var: saved_object_item
    when: exists_in_destination is not defined
    exists_in_destination: "{{ saved_object_item.attributes.id == saved_object.attributes.id }}"

  • name: Debug exists_in_destination
    var: exists_in_destination

Pause execution here to inspect data from comparison

  • name: Pause for inspection
    prompt: "Inspect the data. Press Enter to continue."

Post Saved Object(visualizations) to Destination Space(ds2) if Not Already Present

  • name: Post Saved Object(visualizations) to Destination Space(ds2) if Not Already Present
    when: not exists_in_destination
    url: "{{ destination_space_url }}/api/saved_objects/_import"
    method: POST
    body_format: json # Use JSON format for the request body
    Content-Type: "application/json" # Set the content type header to JSON
    kbn-xsrf: "true"
    Authorization: "ApiKey {{ dashboard_api_key }}"
    body: "{{ saved_object_data | to_json }}"
    validate_certs: false
    register: import_response

Assert that the response is JSON

  • name: Assert that the response is JSON
    - import_response.json is defined
    msg: "The import response is not in JSON format"

Is there something that we are missing?

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