Unsupported parameters for multi fields


I am new to Elastic.

I am getting the following error while uploading the ES index template.

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Mapping definition for [path] has unsupported parameters:  
[field : {keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}]"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Failed to parse mapping [_doc]: 
Mapping definition for [path] has unsupported parameters:  [field : {keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}]","caused_by":
{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Mapping definition for [path] has unsupported parameters: 
 [field : {keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}]"}},"status":400}

This is my index

	"mappings": {
		"_doc": {
			"properties": {
				"offerId": {
					"type": "text",
					"fields": {
						"keyword": {
							"type": "keyword",
							"ignore_above": 256
				"offerDetail": {
                                        "type"= "nested",
					"properties": {
						 "dataStatus" : {
						 	"properties": {
						 		"value": {
						 			"type": "text",
						 			"field": {
						 				"keyword": {
						 					"type": "keyword",
						 					"ignore_above": 256
						 		"content": {
						 			"properties": {
						 				"key": {
						 					"type": "text",
						 					"field": {
						 						"keyword": {
						 							"type": "keyword",
						 							"ignore_above": 256
				 		"images": {
				 			"properties": {
				 				"path": {
				 					"type": "text",
				 					"field": {
				 						"keyword": {
				 							"type": "keyword",
				 							"ignore_above": 256
				 		"annualPrice": {
				 			"properties": {
				 				"cutPriceExcludingVat": {
				 					"type": "long"
								"monthlyExcludingVat": {
									"type": "long"
								"quotationId": {
				 					"type": "text",
				 					"field": {
				 						"keyword": {
				 							"type": "keyword",
				 							"ignore_above": 256

I get this error for all the attributes that the are multi field (text with field keyword" What I tried to do is to change the type of path to "keyword" and not multiple fields.

					 				"path": {
					 					"type": "keyword"	

And that pass. But I need to understand why I can go with the multi fields ??

The issue here is because multi-field should be declared with fields and not field. The definition for property offerId is correct but all the others are wrong.

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