Update a mongodb document using elasticsearch php


I am trying to update a document based on _id of the document using the following code:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

    $client = Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create()->build();
    $params = [
        'index' => 'smartjn',
        'type' => 'user_master',
        'body' => [
            'query'=> [
                    'match'=> [
                                    'accessToken' => $accessToken
    $results = $client->search($params);
    $result = $results['hits']['hits'][0]['_id'];

    $params = [
        'index' => 'smartjn',
        'type' => 'user_master',
        'body' => [
                             'update' => [
                                            '_id' => $result
             'doc' => [
                'deviceId' => $deviceId
    $response = $client->update($params);

The code is giving error on the $client->update() line . I am failing to understand the problem, any help will be greatly appreciated.


Any one , any help?


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By the way, you will get more chance of having someone answering if:

  • you format your code. There is a button for that. </>
  • you describe with more details what is happening. For example The code is giving error is very vague.

mea culpa @dadoonet .

Please accept apologies for the same.


No problem. But can you reformat your code please?

just did it. Thanks

What is the error you are getting? Can you reproduce this without PHP but with a pure REST script so more people could help? (I'm not a PHP guy :slight_smile: )

Anyone any help ? Was wondering whether I am going in right direction?


Nothing in yet :frowning: . Any help is greatly appreciated.


I'm just going to copy and paste the same questions I asked.

What is the error you are getting? Can you reproduce this without PHP but with a pure REST script so more people could help?

I do not see an error in elasticsearch as well as mongodb logs.

I can not reproduce the same bug using pure REST script as of now.


So there is no error with elasticsearch.
You don't see any error in elasticsearch or mongodb.

But you wrote that:

The code is giving error on the $client->update() line.

So from where your error is coming from?

I'm sorry but we can't help without knowing what you are doing and what is exactly your problem.