Dear Elastic Search User,
I come to know there is an <b>UpdateRequest is availble in ES
version0.19.0, and i can use it like
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new
and I am not sure how to pass the updated source to do updateIndex.
so far I am doing update index by the below steps in ES version
0.18.7 by
- GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(indexName,indexType,
indexId); - GetResponse response = client.get(getRequest).get();
//document already existing in the elastic search engine
3 .Map<String, Object> responseSourceMap = response.getSource(); - responseSourceMap .put(document to update);
- create a indexrequest with source as responseSourceMap
- client.index(indexRequest);
I have a question of what is the advantage of using
client.update(updateRequest) instead of
client.index(indexRequest) and how to use properly
Please share your thoughts.