Update to RollingFileAppender using PUT (ES v1.4.2)?

I know that it's possible to update the logging level via a PUT:

PUT /_cluster/settings
    "transient" : {
        "logger.discovery" : "DEBUG"

Is it also possible to update the log4kj logging from using dailyRollingFile to rollingFileAppender?
If so, is this the right syntax?

PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent": {
        "logger.appender.file.type": "rollingFileAppender",
        "logger.appender.file.maxFileSize": "50MB",

Our ES setup has quite a few clusters, and we would love to update these settings without having to manually edit config/logging.yml and restart for each cluster.


I don't believe this works, but you can try it and see :wink: