Updating arrays on elastic App Search

I would like to know how to update arrays on Elastic App Search.


"Keywords": { [ "test1", "test2", "test3" ] }


Like on the example above I would like to change the 3rd item on the array to "test4".

You'd update the field the same way you update any other non-array field. Simply POST to the document ID with the same schema field name with the updated value, and the document will be updated accordingly.


  "id": "12345",
  "some_field": "old_value",
  "some_array": ["old_value"]


  "id": "12345",
  "some_field": "new_value",
  "some_array": ["new_value"]

You can also PATCH if you only want to update a specific schema field instead of the entire document: Documents API | Elastic App Search Documentation [7.14] | Elastic

What about when the array have more than 1 item?


"id" : 1,
"some_array" : ["test1", "test2", "test3"]


I just want to update the second item on the array
"test2" to "test4"?


"id" : 1,
"some_array" : ["test1", "test4", "test3"]


How to do it?

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