I'm trying to figure out how to update documents properly using the Elasticsearch output. Documentation on this issue is very confusing.
I have a document that might already be in Elasticsearch, and if so I would like to update it. Going over the documentation I see that there are multiple options for updating documents.
So for example this is my current configuration:
if [doc_id] {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://elastic:9200"]
document_type => "log"
document_id => "%{doc_id}"
doc_as_upsert => true
action => "update"
index => "myindex"
This confiugration sometimes throws an error saying:
WARN logstash.outputs.elasticsearch - Failed action. {:status=>409, :action=>["update", {:_id=>"6b5b8db751dcd3b8586badfd70dca5", :_index=>"main_solan", :_type=>"log", :_routing=>nil, :_retry_on_conflict=>1}, 2017-07-05T10:27:46.555Z %{host} %{message}], :response=>{"update"=>{"_index"=>"myindex", "_type"=>"log", "_id"=>"6b5b8db751dcd3b8586badfd70dca5", "status"=>409, "error"=>{"type"=>"version_conflict_engine_exception", "reason"=>"[log][6b5b8db751dcd3b8586badfd70dca5]: version conflict, current version [406] is different than the one provided [405]", "index_uuid"=>"fN3yXZ6xSdSb-hdbP3SnOw", "shard"=>"0", "index"=>"myindex"}}}}
I'm not providing the version myself, so I'm not sure how Logstash knows what version I'm currently providing. I'm also not sure if I should be using action=update
, or maybe just define upsert=true