Updating TTL

When you update a documents TTL will the TTL be set to expire from the time
of update or the original index time?

For example if I have a document with a TTL of 2 days indexed on Monday, it
would then expire on Wednesday

HOWEVER if I update that TTL on Tuesday, again setting it to 2 days, would
the document still expire on Wednesday (2 days from Monday) or Thursday (2
days from Tuesday) ?

Hey William,

if you don't provide a timestamp yourself, the timestamp of the
document will be set to the update date and the new expiration time
will be computed relatively to this timestamp. So to answer your
question your updated document will expire on Thursday if you update
it on Tuesday.

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:42 AM, William King willtrking@gmail.com wrote:

When you update a documents TTL will the TTL be set to expire from the time
of update or the original index time?

For example if I have a document with a TTL of 2 days indexed on Monday, it
would then expire on Wednesday

HOWEVER if I update that TTL on Tuesday, again setting it to 2 days, would
the document still expire on Wednesday (2 days from Monday) or Thursday (2
days from Tuesday) ?

Benjamin DEVEZE