We want to upgrade from OpenJDk 8 to OpenJDk 11 for elasticsearch Docker.
And we are using the Adopt openJdk 8 .
As per this link https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup.html .
It is recommended to use the bundled openJDk.So we though of using it.But bundled jdk is openjdk 12.Which non-LTS.
And in the counter part "Java 9, Java 10, and Java 12 are short term releases. We advise against using them unless you're prepared to handle the fast release cadence this imposes." in the below link https://www.elastic.co/support/matrix#matrix_jvm
So my question here is
1.Can i use the bundled jdk 12 which is bundled with elasticsearch 7.3.0
2.Or if i want to use the Open JDK. Can i use the adopt JDK 11 ,which is not mentioned in the compatibility matrix?