Upgrade Logstash 5 -Kalfka plugin issue

I am upgrading logstash from 2.3 to 5.1 . I am facing issue with kalfka input plugin. I have tried to remove the 5.1 plugin and install lower version but it is failing due to other dependencies.Also i have tried to change the input pattern to compatible to new plugin version. But looks like new plugin doesnt connect with zookeeper. can anyone suggest alternatives . please find my input pattern below.

input {
kafka {
zk_connect => 'x:x:x:x:2181,x:x:x:x:2181,x:x:x:x:2181'
white_list => 'SubmitOrder,Conversion,Session,Navigation'
consumer_id => 'hostname'
consumer_threads => 4

If you are using Logstash 5.x, then use the below:

input {
  kafka {
    bootstrap_servers => "xx.xx.xx.xx,yy.yy.yy.yy,zz.zz.zz.zz"
    topics => ["abc","def"]
    #decorate_events => true

Hi ,

thanks i have tried that too. looks like we cannot use zookeeper with logstash 5x and even we need to upgraede kafka to compatible with logstash 5x

Didn't it work? Which version of Kafka are you using. I used kafka_2.10- So yes, you'd need to upgrade your kafka. The logstash input plugins doc should tell you which version would work with which.

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