Issue with kafka input plugin

Hi all,

I am on my way to upgrade all my ELK cluster. The last point is the logtsash upgrade (before 2.3, future 5.5).
Kafka version:

With logstash kafka input plugin version 2.0.6, I do not have any problem to get data from kafka and put it in elasticsearch.

But it doesn't work with logstash kafka input plugin version 5.1.8.

input plugin version 2.0.6 configuration:

        topic_id => "test"
        group_id => "mytest"
        type => "cisco-lan"
        zk_connect => ""
        codec => plain

input plugin version 5.1.8 configuration:

        topics => ["test"]
        group_id => "mytest"
        type => "cisco-lan"
        bootstrap_servers => ""
        codec => plain

I already try to change in configuration the line "". No more success.

When I take a tcpdum I get Reset connection, I don't know why...

If you have any idea...

Thanks in advance,

Solved using the port 9092 instead the port 2181.

Somebody knows why do I have to change the port between version 2.3 and 5.5 of Logstash ?

Yes, now you are connecting directly to kafka using so called "new consumer API". In the previous version you were actually connecting to ZooKeeper and not kafka. I assume you have them running on the same machine. That's why you didn't have to change the IP address.

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