Hi all,
I am on my way to upgrade all my ELK cluster. The last point is the logtsash upgrade (before 2.3, future 5.5).
Kafka version:
With logstash kafka input plugin version 2.0.6, I do not have any problem to get data from kafka and put it in elasticsearch.
But it doesn't work with logstash kafka input plugin version 5.1.8.
input plugin version 2.0.6 configuration:
input{ kafka{ topic_id => "test" group_id => "mytest" type => "cisco-lan" zk_connect => "" codec => plain } }
input plugin version 5.1.8 configuration:
input{ kafka{ topics => ["test"] group_id => "mytest" type => "cisco-lan" bootstrap_servers => "" codec => plain } }
I already try to change in server.properties configuration the line "advertised.host.name". No more success.
When I take a tcpdum I get Reset connection, I don't know why...
If you have any idea...
Thanks in advance,