Upgrading Kibana 7.17.15 -> 7.17.18 FATAL ERROR

I upgraded my Kibana from 7.17.15 -> 7.17.18. On startup received: FATAL Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/nonexistent/.config/puppeteer'.

Downgraded back to 7.17.15 => Problem disappeared.

Hi @jasonperrone,

Welcome back! Do you see any errors or warnings in the logs?

Hello! Just this, that I've seen since 7.17.13: Kibana is currently running with legacy OpenSSL providers enabled! For details and instructions on how to disable see Use Kibana in a production environment | Kibana Guide [7.17] | Elastic

@jasonperrone Hi Jason , how did you go about resolving this issue ?


I haven't resolved it. I am currently still stuck on 7.17.15 because I'm not getting any help from Elastic or the community.

Hi @jasonperrone sorry to hear that , i thought as per the solution status you had resolved the issue.

What have support had to say thus far ?

Oh I see, I don't know why it says solved, I merely responded and it got marked as "Solution". I wonder if I can undo that. Are you having the same problem?

Hello @jasonperrone
Can you test this by changing the rights of the /nonexistent/.config/puppeteer file for example.

So, first of all, there is no .config in /nonexistent. The permissions on /nonexistent are 600, owned by elasticsearch:elasticsearch. I change the permissions to 660 and added kibana to the elasticsearch group. Did not help. I changed the permissions /nonexistent to 666, still did not help. Changed the permissions on /nonexistent to 777 and that worked. But I don't know if my IT department is going to cite me for having totally open permissions on that directory. I wish I knew why I even have this directory. I have a second Elastic cluster with Kibana, and there is no such directory on those servers.

I did experience the same error after upgrading to 7.17.18 while also having /nonexistent on filesystem, owned by elasticsearch as well.
What did help me was removing that directory completely. Afterwards, Kibana started with no problems.

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