Use of keyword 'else' causes error "Couldn't find any filter plugin named 'else'."

I have the following code in my filter. The construct, if ... else if ... else are described by Logstash documentation as being valid yet /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log records this error message.

  if [source] =~ "debug"
      mapping =>
        "message" => "[%{ignore}] %{} %{acme.time} - REST: Path: %{acme.restpath}"

    if "_dissectfailure" in [tags]
        mapping =>
          "message" => "[%{ignore}] %{} %{acme.time} - REST: Request length: %{acme.requestlength}"
    else   **** the error is issued for this else ****
      # Now that the new, split-out fields are created, we don't need
      # to keep 'message' any longer:
      remove_field => [ "message "]
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Hi Russell,

What is the error message? Could you please post the same?

Do you intend this to be a regex match? The correct operator to use for equality check would be ==.

Also, to troubleshoot, if the message is going through a conditional, you can try using the add_tag option for logstash filter.

The last remove_field can not stand on its own but should be part of a filter config e.g. a mutate filter.

Thanks hugely for the replies, my friends!

First, if [source] =~ "debug" will be matching strings like "/var/log/acme/debug.log". I'm handling piles of logs on many different paths, but some log-types, like our own debug.log, are predictable and can be filtered the same. So, yeah, regular expression matching was my intention. (Took me a long time before figuring out that these filters were Ruby-esque; wish Elastic documentation had said that up front.)

(The error was in /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log and contained the text of this issue's subject along with much of the code originally posted.)

I'll look into add_tag.

Second, and this goes for add_tag too, your comment is welcome. I simply had never thought that remove_field must be embedded in a filter because, here I thought, I am embedding it in a filter--my filter, that starts out with the keyword filter. I am armed with new understanding!

Most of Elastic's and even others' examples of filter writing are short, succinct and I struggle to connect the dots between the features.

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