Use only unique fields for a visualization

I am logging to elasticsearch requests made by one application. If there is a failure, a second, third, etc petition is made, nothing changes except 2 fields. I need to query to get visualization but only to use one of these documents. Is there a way to do this?

To explain a bit more lets say that I have 4 documents:

number: 345
transactionId: 1
timestamp: 05:41

number: 345
transactionId: 1
timestamp: 05:42

number: 670
transactionId: 2
timestamp: 05:43

number: 720
transactionId: 3
timestamp: 05:44

number: 140
transactionId: 4
timestamp: 05:45

Now I want to do a sum visualization so that doc 1 is used, but not 2 (since is the same transaction). so that the sum of number is 345+670+720+140 instead of 345+345+670+720+140. Is this possible in Kibana? If not can I accomplish this with a script?



I don't think this is possible in Kibana. You can ask in the Elasticsearch part of this forum to see if there's a way you can do it with a query.

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