Use static data as a "pseudo-aggregation" in Elasticsearch query?


I have a quite simple question: Since I need some data in an aggregation for filtering documents I need some static data that I can use for comparing to other values. Somehow like this:

"group_by_sth": {
    "terms": by sth...
"aggs": {
    "filter_sth": {
       "bucket_selector": {
          "buckets_path": {
             "std_upper": "stats.std_upper",
             "static_value": "my_static_data.id_sth"
          "script": "params.question_avg < params.std_upper"
    "my_static_data": {
      "<some agg which contains static data>": {
        "id1": {...},
        "id2": {...},

where sth_id is the id of the document which is group by sth. The background is that the data which is static is not available in this aggregation.

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