[uSeekM] Elasticsearch won't start after Tomcat restart

uSeekM Sesame War's (version 1.2.1) are successfully installed and the Full Text Search works as expected (https://dev.opensahara.com/projects/useekm), but Elasticsearch won't start after Tomcat restart, the issue is reproducible.

After a full reindex everything looks fine:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/nodes/_local?&pretty=true'

"ok" : true,
"cluster_name" : "es.unit.test.cluster",
"nodes" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "GND",
"transport_address" : "local[1]",
"hostname" : "solinux",
"version" : "0.20.4",
"http_address" : "inet[/]",
"attributes" : {
"local" : "true"

and the following error occurs after Tomcat restart:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/nodes/_local?&pretty=true'

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

Here the reply from the developer: "This is an elasticsearch feature, uSeekM doesn't really play a role here." (https://dev.opensahara.com/boards/2/topics/165?r=179)

Please help, thank you in advance.

Sadly, you need to restart Tomcat.

David :wink:
Twitter : @dadoonet / @elasticsearchfr / @scrutmydocs

Le 19 août 2013 à 11:42, s0r1n sorin.gheorghiu@uni-konstanz.de a écrit :

uSeekM Sesame War's (version 1.2.1) are successfully installed and the Full
Text Search works as expected (https://dev.opensahara.com/projects/useekm),
but Elasticsearch won't start after Tomcat restart, the issue is

After a full reindex everything looks fine:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/nodes/_local?&pretty=true'

"ok" : true,
"cluster_name" : "es.unit.test.cluster",
"nodes" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "GND",
"transport_address" : "local[1]",
"hostname" : "solinux",
"version" : "0.20.4",
"http_address" : "inet[/]",
"attributes" : {
"local" : "true"

and the following error occurs after Tomcat restart:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/nodes/_local?&pretty=true'

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

Here the reply from the developer: "This is an elasticsearch feature, uSeekM
doesn't really play a role here." (
https://dev.opensahara.com/boards/2/topics/165?r=179 )

Please help, thank you in advance.

View this message in context: http://elasticsearch-users.115913.n3.nabble.com/uSeekM-Elasticsearch-won-t-start-after-Tomcat-restart-tp4039804.html
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Due to maintenance activities I may be forced to restart Tomcat or the whole server. When ES won't start, the workaround is to rebuild the uSeekM indexes which takes a couple of days. This not acceptable for a production server. Please provide your feedback. Thank you.

What???? When you stop your tomcat and restart it all your data are gone?

I think you have something wrong in your code or something.
I did that in production for years and never have such an issue!

Are you using NodeClient? TransportClient?
How do you connect to you elasticsearch nodes?

David Pilato | Technical Advocate | Elasticsearch.com
@dadoonet | @elasticsearchfr | @scrutmydocs

Le 20 août 2013 à 15:42, s0r1n sorin.gheorghiu@uni-konstanz.de a écrit :

Due to maintenance activities I may be forced to restart Tomcat or the whole
server. When ES won't start, the workaround is to rebuild the uSeekM indexes
which takes a couple of days. This not acceptable for a production server.
Please provide your feedback. Thank you.

View this message in context: http://elasticsearch-users.115913.n3.nabble.com/uSeekM-Elasticsearch-won-t-start-after-Tomcat-restart-tp4039804p4039866.html
Sent from the Elasticsearch Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Yes, in the beginning all data was gone after a tomcat restart. Since I increased the hw and sw limit for the tomcat user to 32000 the data wasn't erased anymore, but ES won't start.

I can't tell if I use NodeClient or TransportClient, I haven't installed ES as standalone, but just uSeekM only. Maybe it helps to show you my config:

name: es.unit.test.cluster
name: GND
local: true
number_of_shards: 1
number_of_replicas: 0
type: mapping
mappings: [ae=>a, oe=>o, ue=>u, ä=>a, ö=>o, ü=>u, AE=>A, OE=>O, UE=>U, Ä=>A, Ö=>O, Ü=>U]
tokenizer: lowercase
filter: asciifolding
char_filter: my_mapping
tokenizer: keyword
filter: [lowercase, asciifolding]
char_filter: my_mapping
logs: /opt/es.tst/log
data: /opt/es.tst/data
http.enabled: true
gateway.type: none
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false

Please check it and let me know if is anything missing here. Thank you.

The tomcat issue with has been resolved after changing @gateway type@ from @none@ to @local@.