User/Role who can only see Dashboards and ML

I need to create a new user who can only see Dashboards and has access to existing ML jobs and results. I tried the following configuration but no luck. we have two Nodes: one data and one for ML. the "gcac" role provides access to the relevant index.


i also tried this for a test:

What specifically is not working? Is a user able to see too much, or too little?

I only get the dashboard link on the side menu, so the machine learning cant be accessed?

Hi @Bill_McConaghy,
is it possible to have a role or user, that when they login will only see the DASHBOARD & ML tabs on the left?

Management, Visualize, Discover and Dashboard are not plugins, they are part of kibana core and currently there is no easy way to hide them. For console and Timelion you can try

console.enabled: false
timelion.enabled: false


Hi Rashmi,
i assume that would also disable the console/timelion for all users? To avoid this, are there any visualizations we can use to represent the anomaly explorer using elastic cloud? i have a seen a swim-lane visualization, but this is not available via the cloud.

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