I have a scenarion where I need to use dismax for better scoring against each field and also be able to filter. Here is a simple example:
Person First_Name Last_Name State
1 Sally Simla DE
2 Rick Yala NY
3 Kevo Sita DE
4 Didi Jones NY
5 Simla Kyle DC
Searching by name only first_name=simla&last_name=simla
should give persons 1 and 2. I have the following query to achieve this:
"query": {
"dis_max" : {
"queries" : [
"bool" : {
"must" : [{"term" : {"first_name" : "simla"}}]
"bool" : {
"must" : [{"term" : {"last_name" : "simla"}}]
The other case is when further to the search above, I need to filter based on state state=DE
ton only get person 1. For this I have the following query:
"query": {
"dis_max" : {
"queries" : [
"bool" : {
"must" : [{"term" : {"first_name" : "simla"}}],
"filter": [
"or": [
{"missing": {"field": "state"}},
{"match": {"state": "DE"}}
"bool" : {
"must" : [{"term" : {"last_name" : "simla"}}],
"filter": [
"or": [
{"missing": {"field": "state"}},
{"match": {"state": "DE"}}
I feel there is a bit of repetition especially when applying the filter. In case we have more filters this query could get really ugly . I am using Elasticsearch v2.4.
Can anybody guide me to a better solution if any?