Using Embedded version of elastic gives this warning?

version [5.3.2-SNAPSHOT] is a pre-release version of Elasticsearch and is not suitable for production

I was not getting this in 5.2.2

Is there a work around?

We don't release snapshots for production use, use the GA release.
Where did you get that version?

What is the Maven pom look like?

You get that on any snapshot build, and we do not support embedded Elasticsearch.

OK then I think the message is correct if I am using Embedded Elastic right?

I just want to make sure I am not pointing to the wrong SNAPSHOT version.
Can I "mvn clean install" to try to remove it and get the right Embedded




It has nothing to do with embedded, it has to do with using a snapshot version.

OK I got it. Since I shaded it, the code looks at the JAR name, and will default to "isSnapshot = true". It should probably be "isUnsupported = true"

    } else {
        // not running from the official elasticsearch jar file (unit tests, IDE, uber client jar, shadiness)
        shortHash = "Unknown";
        date = "Unknown";
        isSnapshot = true;

That's correct, if we can not verify the jar is official release bits that we shipped, we mark it as a snapshot jar.

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