Using Environment variable in ES index name

I was hopping to use an env variable as part of the index name:

  index: 'auditbeat-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-%{[host][name]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}'

But when setting up the Kibana dashboard manually I get:

Exiting: missing field accessing 'output.elasticsearch.index' (source:'auditbeat.yml')

What worked for me is adding the env variable as a field and then use it in the index name:

    environment_name: ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}
  index: 'auditbeat-%{[fields][environment_name]}-%{[host][name]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}'

But I'm not interested to store the [fields][environment_name] field in ES, is there a work around to achieve this perhaps with storing a temp variable in @metadata field?

Hmmm, that should've worked.

Can you post the complete command you ran to setup the Kibana dashboards manually? Was ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE set when you ran the command?

You're right, it worked. The ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE was set in the Filebeat process but not set in the shell process where I attempted to setup the Kibana dashboards manually which is why it failed initially.

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