September 18, 2012, 1:05pm
I am trying to create facets of string values and it seems to return tokens
of the strings.
The value supplier_name name has the following values "adidas" and "reebok
international". How can I get 2 facets rather than 3 ?
"facets" : {
"supplier_name" : {
"_type" : "terms",
"missing" : 0,
"total" : 2603,
"other" : 0,
"terms" : [ {
"term" : "adidas",
"count" : 1169
}, {
"term" : "international",
"count" : 1169
}, {
"term" : "reebok",
"count" : 265
} ]
Configure the field you are doing faceting on to index: not_analyzed instead of index: analyzed.
Rafał Kuć
Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch - ElasticSearch
I am trying to create facets of string values and it seems to return tokens of the strings.
The value supplier_name name has the following values "adidas" and "reebok international". How can I get 2 facets rather than 3 ?
"facets" : {
"supplier_name" : {
"_type" : "terms",
"missing" : 0,
"total" : 2603,
"other" : 0,
"terms" : [ {
"term" : "adidas",
"count" : 1169
}, {
"term" : "international",
"count" : 1169
}, {
"term" : "reebok",
"count" : 265
} ]