Using missing and exists filters - null values edge case

I have a use case involving null_values - I need to show country in the results whether it is set or it is null upon filtering by country field. I have indexed user profiles with a country field which may be null (not set) or have a value. I have tried to play around with boolean query with exists and missing filters.


    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": {
                "match": {
                    "full_name": "xxx xxx xxx"
            "filter": {
                "bool": {
                    "must": [{"term": { "gender": "M" }}],
                    "filter": [{"missing": {"field": "country"}}]

which gives:

$ curl "" --data-binary @filter_1.json | grep country
    "country" : null,
    "country" : null,
    "country" : null,
    "country" : null,
    "country" : null,

the converse:


{"existing": {"field": "country"}}

which gives:

$ curl "" --data-binary @filter_2.json | grep country
    "country" : "SO",
    "country" : "SO",
    "country" : "SO",
    "country" : "SO",
    "country" : "SO",
    "country" : "SO",

Lastly, I have tried to adjust the filter in boolean query thus:


"filter": {
    "or": [
        {"missing": {"field": "country"}},
        {"exists": {"field": "country"}}

Ideal output I want:

"country" : "SO",
"country" : "SO",
"country" : "SO",
"country" : null,
"country" : "SO",
"country" : null,

Any ideas on what to try?

Why do you need the filter at all if you want both kind of documents, either with country set or the ones with missing values?

country could have multiple values like KE, SO, CD etc. When a user opts to filter by country, then I do not want to leave out the profiles with no country set.

What if you use something like:

"or": [
        {"missing": {"field": "country"}},
        {"match": {"country": "KE"}}

Awesome! this works. Thanks @cbuescher. Should I be concerned about performance since the docs advocate for positive queries.

I don't know what kind of system you need and what performance you expect, but generally speaking those queries are not the most expensive ones. So I wouldn't worry too much if it stays that simple.

Ok, noted.