Hello! I was reading this:
And I tried to apply the idea of using a reindex command together with an ingest pipeline to generate the embeddings of data already inside an elastic index.
Now I defined the ingest pipeline like this:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/elser-v2-test
"processors": [
"inference": {
"model_id": ".elser_model_2_linux-x86_64",
"input_output": [
"input_field": "field1.field2.field3",
"output_field": "headline_embedding"
And then I run something like this:
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false
"source": {
"index": "initial_index",
"size": 50
"dest": {
"index": "index_with_embeddings",
"pipeline": "elser-v2-test"
but when I run this command:
GET _tasks/OofTXXZuTgaA1afd0zXhRA:15419763
I see these exceptions
"cause": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "[field3] is not an integer, cannot be used as an index as part of path [field1.field2.field3]"
The documentation example uses a non-nested field in the transformation. Is it possible to do the same with nested fields?