Using Sort API via Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch 8.1.0 .NET

I have an Elasticsearch cluster, which contains an index called persons. I want to query and sort the documents of the index using the latest Elasticsearch client for .NET (Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch 8.1.0 .NET). The query I want to execute should like this (note: persons index contains documents with a name field):

GET persons/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}
  "sort": [
      "name.keyword": {
        "order": "asc"

Currently I am using this code to execute the above shown query via C#:

var response = await _elasticsearchClient.SearchAsync<Person>(s => s
    .Query(q => q.MatchAll())
    .Sort(so => so
        .Field(f => f.Name.Suffix("keyword"))
        .Score(sc => sc.Order(SortOrder.Asc))));

Unfortunately, this query does not actually sort the documents. Therefore, I want to ask how I could represent the above mentioned query using the 8.1.0 .NET client. The way it used to work in the client with version 7.17 does not work anymore (Sort Usage 7.17).

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Hi, @felix-stnr.

Your code is close but is actually setting a score sort. To achieve your goal, you need to provide the FieldSort after providing the field name.

var response = await client.SearchAsync<Person>(s => s
	.Query(q => q.MatchAll())
	.Sort(so => so
		.Field(f => f.Name.Suffix("keyword"), new FieldSort { Order = SortOrder.Asc })));
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Thanks, that did the trick for me!

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