Vega Error

Until today, I never got promblem with the name of the field... Now... big ???

I will reindex and change the name the field..
Thanks a lot @Stratoula_Kalafateli

1 Like

Hello Expert @Stratoula_Kalafateli
I found the solution, now i would like to add another field correspondence to Job_Size(GB) such as client_name..... how i can able to add.....


I am getting 0 at the x-axis... I didn't got it how to remove it...

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Difference par Jour",
  "data": {
    "url": {
      "%context%": true,
      "%timefield%": "@timestamp",
      "index": "terrena_client*",
      "body": {
          "aggs": {
      "day_date_histogram_of_timestamp": {
        "date_histogram": {
          "field": "@timestamp", 
          "calendar_interval": "day"
        "aggs": {
          "sum_of_Jobsize": {
            "sum": {"field": "Job_Size(GB)"}
          "serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize": {
            "serial_diff": {"buckets_path": "sum_of_Jobsize", "lag": 1}
    "format": {"property": "aggregations.day_date_histogram_of_timestamp.buckets"}
    transform: [
      window: [
          op: lead
          field: key_as_string
          offset: 1
          as: next_lead
  calculate: "datum.sum_of_Jobsize.value",
  as: "sum"

  calculate: "datum.key_as_string",
  as: "lead"

  calculate: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null ? datum.sum - datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize.value :0
  as: previous_sum
  calculate: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null ? datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize.value :datum.sum
  as: amount
  calculate: ( datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null && datum.amount > 0 ? '+' : '') + datum.amount 
  as: text_amount
  calculate: (datum.sum + datum.previous_sum) / 2
  as: center
  calculate: datum.sum < datum.previous_sum ? datum.sum : ''
  as: sum_dec
  calculate: datum.sum > datum.previous_sum ? datum.sum : ''
  as: sum_inc
  "mark": "line",
  encoding: {
    x: {
      field: key_as_string
      type: ordinal
      sort : null
      axis: {
          title: Days
          labelExpr: datum.label[8]+datum.label[9]
          labelBaseline : bottom
          labelColor: black
    layer: [
      mark: {
        type: bar
        size: 20
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: previous_sum
          type: quantitative
          title: Sum of Job Size
        y2: {
          field: sum
        color: {
          condition: [
              test: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize == null
              value: "yellow"
              test: datum.sum < datum.previous_sum
              value: "pink"
          value: "lightgreen"
      mark: {
        type: rule
        opacity: 1
        color: "#404040"
        strokeWidth: 2
        xOffset: -10
        x2Offset: 10
      encoding: {
        x2: {
          field: next_lead
        y: {
          field: sum
          type: quantitative
      mark: {
        type: text
        dy: -18
        baseline : bottom
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: sum_inc
          type: quantitative
        text: {
          field: sum_inc
          type: nominal
      mark: {
        type: text
        dy: 13
        baseline: middle
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: sum_dec
          type: quantitative
        text: {
          field: sum_dec
          type: nominal
          format: .1f
      mark: {
        type: text
        dy :0
        fontWeight: bold
        baseline : line-bottom
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: center
          type: quantitative
        text: {
          field: text_amount
          type: nominal
          format: .1f
        color: {
          condition: [
              test: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize == null
              value: "green"
          value: black
    config: {
    text: {
      fontWeight: bold
      color: red

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