Vega Error

Hello expert,
I need your help to find the error, i tried to find out but i didnt got it. Thanks in advance...

` {
data: {
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: timestamp

  index: terrena_1
  body: {
    size: 0
    aggs: {
      month_date_histogram_of_timestamp: {
        date_histogram: {field: "timestamp", calendar_interval: "month"}
        aggs: {
          sum_of_Jobsize: {
            sum: {field: "Job_Size_(GB)"}
          serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize: {
            serial_diff: {buckets_path: "sum_of_Jobsize", lag: 1}

format: {
  property: aggregations.month_date_histogram_of_timestamp.buckets

transform: [
window: [
op: lead
field: key_as_string
offset: 1
as: next_lead

  calculate: "datum.sum_of_Jobsize.value",
  as: "sum"

  calculate: "datum.key_as_string",
  as: "lead"

  calculate: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null ? datum.sum - datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize.value : 0
  as: previous_sum
  calculate: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null ? datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize.value :datum.sum
  as: amount
  calculate: (datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null && datum.amount (GB > 0 ? '+' : '') + datum.amount
  as: text_amount
  calculate: (datum.sum + datum.previous_sum) / 2
  as: center
  calculate: datum.sum < datum.previous_sum ? datum.sum : ''
  as: sum_dec
  calculate: datum.sum > datum.previous_sum ? datum.sum : ''
  as: sum_inc

encoding: {
x: {
field: key_as_string
type: ordinal
sort: null
axis: {labelAngle: 0, title: "Months"}
layer: [
mark: {type: "bar", size: 45}
encoding: {
y: {field: "previous_sum", type: "quantitative", title: "Job Size"}
y2: {field: "sum"}
color: {
condition: [
test: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize == null
value: "#f7e0b6"
{test: "datum.sum < datum.previous_sum", value: "#f78a64"}
value: "#93c4aa"
mark: {
type: rule
opacity: 1
color: "#404040"
strokeWidth: 2
xOffset: -22.5
x2Offset: 22.5
encoding: {

    x2: {field: "next_lead"}
    y: {field: "sum", type: "quantitative"}
  mark: {type: "text", dy: -4, baseline: "bottom"}
  encoding: {
    y: {field: "sum_inc", type: "quantitative"}
    text: {field: "sum_inc", type: "nominal"}
  mark: {type: "text", dy: 4, baseline: "top"}
  encoding: {
    y: {field: "sum_dec", type: "quantitative"}
    text: {field: "sum_dec", type: "nominal"}
  mark: {type: "text", fontWeight: "bold", baseline: "middle"}
  encoding: {
    y: {field: "center", type: "quantitative"}
    text: {field: "text_amount", type: "nominal"}
    color: {
      condition: [
          test: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize == null
          value: "#725a30"
      value: white

config: {
text: {fontWeight: "bold", color: "#404040"}


Hey @Krunal

I haven't checked it all but it seems that this

      calculate: (datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null && datum.amount (GB > 0 ? '+' : '') + datum.amount
      as: text_amount

has a parenthesis that doesn't close.

@Stratoula_Kalafateli Thanks

As i have done some modification then this error came, i put field value in the "Job Size (GB)" bcoz of EsError

I think that the error is still in the same calculate function that I posted above. To be honest I don't understand what you are trying to calculate there.

I would like to see my data in the waterfall chart .

Nice! I mean that it is not clear to me what you are trying to calculate here

      calculate: (datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null && datum.amount (GB > 0 ? '+' : '') + datum.amount
      as: text_amount

I think that the in this function

I solved that error
It was my mistake .....calculate:( datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null && datum.amount > 0 ? '+' : '') + datum.amount as: text_amount
Now its perfect but still there is some problem

Hello Expert,
I have stucked again and not getting output....

To be honest it works for me. This is my working example by using a sample dataset:

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Event counts from all indexes",
  "data": {
    "url": {
      "%context%": true,
      "%timefield%": "@timestamp",
      "index": "kibana_sample_data_logs",
      "body": {
          "aggs": {
      "month_date_histogram_of_timestamp": {
        "date_histogram": {
          "field": "timestamp", 
          "calendar_interval": "month"
        "aggs": {
          "sum_of_Jobsize": {
            "sum": {"field": "bytes"}
          "serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize": {
            "serial_diff": {"buckets_path": "sum_of_Jobsize", "lag": 1}
    "size": 0
    "format": {"property": "aggregations.month_date_histogram_of_timestamp.buckets"}
    transform: [
      window: [
          op: lead
          field: key_as_string
          offset: 1
          as: next_lead
  calculate: "datum.sum_of_Jobsize.value",
  as: "sum"

  calculate: "datum.key_as_string",
  as: "lead"

  calculate: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null ? datum.sum - datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize.value : 0
  as: previous_sum
  calculate: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null ? datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize.value :datum.sum
  as: amount
  calculate: ( datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize != null && datum.amount > 0 ? '+' : '') + datum.amount 
  as: text_amount
  calculate: (datum.sum + datum.previous_sum) / 2
  as: center
  calculate: datum.sum < datum.previous_sum ? datum.sum : ''
  as: sum_dec
  calculate: datum.sum > datum.previous_sum ? datum.sum : ''
  as: sum_inc
  "mark": "line",
  encoding: {
    x: {
      field: key_as_string
      type: ordinal
      sort: null
      axis: {
        labelAngle: 0
        title: Months
    layer: [
      mark: {
        type: bar
        size: 45
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: previous_sum
          type: quantitative
          title: Job Size
        y2: {
          field: sum
        color: {
          condition: [
              test: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize == null
              value: "#f7e0b6"
              test: datum.sum < datum.previous_sum
              value: "#f78a64"
          value: "#93c4aa"
      mark: {
        type: rule
        opacity: 1
        color: "#404040"
        strokeWidth: 2
        xOffset: -22.5
        x2Offset: 22.5
      encoding: {
        x2: {
          field: next_lead
        y: {
          field: sum
          type: quantitative
      mark: {
        type: text
        dy: -4
        baseline: bottom
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: sum_inc
          type: quantitative
        text: {
          field: sum_inc
          type: nominal
      mark: {
        type: text
        dy: 4
        baseline: top
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: sum_dec
          type: quantitative
        text: {
          field: sum_dec
          type: nominal
      mark: {
        type: text
        fontWeight: bold
        baseline: middle
      encoding: {
        y: {
          field: center
          type: quantitative
        text: {
          field: text_amount
          type: nominal
        color: {
          condition: [
              test: datum.serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize == null
              value: "#725a30"
          value: white
    config: {
    text: {
      fontWeight: bold
      color: "#404040"

and the result is

Thanks @Stratoula_Kalafateli
I copied your code and pasted in vega, I have changed the field name and index name, then also i am not getting output.

Is there any problem of version of kibana ? Bcoz I am using 7.13

No, because my code also works for 7.13. Have you checked your timefilter?

Maybe you don't have data for the selected dates.

What type is the Job_Size_(GB) field? Have you run the es query? Does it return data?

Job Size (GB) is float , yes es query working properly

But here I see that the field is Job Size (GB) and not Job_Size_(GB) or do you use custom labels?

I have not used Job_Size_(GB) anywhere.
{ "$schema": "", "title": "Daily Difference of Job Size ", "data": { "url": { "%context%": true, "%timefield%": "@timestamp", "index": "terrena_1", "body": { "aggs": { "day_date_histogram_of_timestamp": { "date_histogram": { "field": "timestamp", "calendar_interval": "day" }, "aggs": { "sum_of_Jobsize": { "sum": {"field": "Job Size (GB)"} }, "serial_diff_of_sum_of_Jobsize": { "serial_diff": {"buckets_path": "sum_of_Jobsize", "lag": 1} } } } },

In this screenshot the field is with empty spaces

yes . but i tried both Job_Size_(GB) and Job Size (GB) also but i think it isnot able to fetch data ..... why I didn't understand.

I am afraid that the problem is that your field name has spaces. This is something that we do not recommend. Maybe you can try one of the suggestions here Discover field names with spaces