Vega - Force Directed - Indexe problem

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a force directed graph using this example ( vega code - Data ). until now I can't do it and I would like to know if the nodes and the links have to identified with a numerical index or if it's possible to use, like I'm trying to do, an alphanumerical index ?
If you would have a functional example which works not with json data but with an indices it could help me.

Hey Phildefer,

this is a working example for the force directed graph within Kibana.

It is not super easy to get that working as the index needs to be determined while transforming the data in the right shape. In the example you mentioned this is already done within the source data files.

Let me know if the example helps you to get it done.

Hi Felix
Thank you so much for this example but the file I have downloaded is a ndjson file and I don't how to convert it into a text file to import into the vega editor of Kibana.

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