Vega-lite group count - Kibana 6.6


I'm new to vega and trying to show the group count of sourceaddress when you hover over the graph item. The sourceaddress is a string. I've tried various ways but the below only shows zero.

Any help would be much appreciated


  "$schema": "",
  data: {
    url: {
      %context%: true
      %timefield%: @timestamp
      index: "acsc-main-controls-*"
      body: {
        size: 1000
        _source: ["@timestamp", "sourceaddress", "control", "controlcategory", "eventid", "acsctype"]
    format: {property: "hits.hits"}
  "width": 600,
  "height": 400,
  "transform": [
     "summarize": [
        "aggregate": "count",
        "as": "xcount"
      "groupby": ["_source.sourceaddress"]
    calculate: "toDate(datum._source['@timestamp'])" as: "time"
  "mark": {
    "type": "circle",
    "opacity": 0.8,
    "stroke": "black",
    "strokeWidth": 0
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "field": "time",
      "type": "temporal",
      "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}
    "y": {"field": "_source.control", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"title": ""}},
    "tooltip": [
      {"title": "Control Category", "type": "nominal", "field": "_source.controlcategory"},
           {"title": "Control", "type": "nominal", "field": "_source.control"},
      {"title": "Source Address", "type": "nominal", "field": "_source.sourceaddress"}, {"title": "Count", "type": "quantitative", "field": "xcount"}
    "size": {
      "field": "_source.sourceaddress",
      "type": "nominal",
      "legend": {"title": "Source Address", "clipHeight": 30},
      "scale": {"range": [0, 1000]}
    "color": {"field": "_source.control", "type": "nominal", "legend": null
   "selection": {
    "selector015": {
      "type": "interval",
      "bind": "scales",
      "encodings": ["x", "y"],
      "on": "[mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
      "translate": "[mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
      "zoom": "wheel!",
      "mark": {"fill": "#333", "fillOpacity": 0.125, "stroke": "white"},
      "resolve": "global"

@nyuriks help please?


Hi @martb, could you post what you already have with these instructions? It would make it easier to figure out what kind of data you have -


If I paste the below into a vega editor I'll see the relevant details when I hover over the data i.e no. of records, but you don't see such tooltip info in Kibana. Is this a limitation of the version of vega used by Kibana? I'm trying to show the record count when I hover over the data.



  "$schema": "",
  "data": {
    "values": [
        "@timestamp": "2019-02-13T11:15:01Z",
        "control": "Firewall",
        "controlcategory": "Monitoring",
        "platformtype": "Device",
        "eventid": 489,
        "sourceaddress": "",
        "outcome": "Rejected",
        "platformaddress": "",
        "transportprotocol": "TCP",
        "@version": "1",
        "destinationport": "42058",
        "acsctype": " 2-7",
        "sourceport": "47750",
        "eventtype": "Packet filtered",
        "outofhours": "false",
        "destinationaddress": ""
        "@timestamp": "2019-02-13T10:02:36Z",
        "control": "Firewall",
        "controlcategory": "Monitoring",
        "platformtype": "Device",
        "eventid": 350,
        "sourceaddress": "",
        "outcome": "Rejected",
        "platformaddress": "",
        "transportprotocol": "TCP",
        "@version": "1",
        "destinationport": "37487",
        "acsctype": "2-7",
        "sourceport": "64262",
        "eventtype": "Packet filtered",
        "outofhours": "false",
        "destinationaddress": ""
        "@timestamp": "2019-02-13T10:02:36Z",
        "control": "Firewall",
        "controlcategory": "Monitoring",
        "platformtype": "Device",
        "eventid": 351,
        "sourceaddress": "",
        "outcome": "Rejected",
        "platformaddress": "",
        "transportprotocol": "TCP",
        "@version": "1",
        "destinationport": "37487",
        "acsctype": "2-7",
        "sourceport": "64262",
        "eventtype": "Packet filtered",
        "outofhours": "false",
        "destinationaddress": ""
  "width": 600,
  "height": 400,
  "mark": {
    "type": "circle",
    "opacity": 0.8,
    "stroke": "black",
    "strokeWidth": 1
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "field": "@timestamp",
      "type": "temporal",
      "axis": {
        "labelAngle": 0
    "y": {
      "field": "control",
      "type": "nominal"
    "size": {
      "aggregate": "count", 
      "type": "quantitative",
      "scale": {
        "range": [
    "color": {
      "field": "controlcategory",
      "type": "nominal"

@martb if you open the bottom left panel in the Vega editor (compiled Vega), you will see this line:

"tooltip": {
   "signal": "{\"@timestamp\": timeFormat(datum[\"@timestamp\"], '%b %d, %Y'), \"control\": ''+datum[\"control\"], \"Count of Records\": format(datum[\"count_*\"], \"\"), \"controlcategory\": ''+datum[\"controlcategory\"]}"

In other words, Vega Lite generates a tooltip instruction for Vega. If you follow my gist instructions above, you will be able to see the compiled Vega as generated by Kibana's version of Vega-Lite. Take a look if it has tooltip. If it doesn't, this must have been added to Vega-Lite in a newer version. Kibana 7.x will have an updated version of Vega and Vega-Lite.

1 Like


Thanks for reply. This feature doesn't appear to be in the current release i.e 6.6. I will look to see if there is any difference in the 7.x beta.



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