Vega-lite stacked plot mistake

Hello everyone,

I hope somebody could help me. I'm trying to make an stacked plot in vega-lite. Everything appears to be fine but for some reason the graph does not allow one bar or (area) to be over the other. Instead of that, they are been depicted in the same origin in the x axis, and overlaped.

this is the code that i have in kibana.

$schema: ""

mark: area

data: {

url: {
  // Context == true means filters of the dashboard will be taken into account
  %context%: true
  // Specify on which field the time picker should operate
  %timefield%: @timestamp
  // Specify the index pattern to load data from
  index: replayerpattern6
  // This body will be send to Elasticsearch's _search endpoint
  // You can use everything the ES Query DSL supports here
 	 body: {
    	// Set the size to load 10000 documents
    	size: 10000,
	// Just ask for the fields we actually need for visualization
    	_source: ["@timestamp","@version","consumed","consumed_text1","consumed_text2","free","free_text1","free_text2","host", "logLevel", "logdate","max","max_text1","max_text2","message","values","values_names","date_time"]
format: { property: "hits.hits" }


transform: [

  // Convert _source.@timestamp field to a date
  calculate: "toDate(datum._source['@timestamp'])"
  as: "time"

]// Specify what data will be drawn on which axis
encoding: {
x: {

  field: _source.date_time
  type: temporal
  // Hide the axis label for the x-axis
  "axis": {
    "domain": false
    "tickSize": 0
    title: false
y: {
  // Draw the bytes of each document on the y-axis
  field: _source.values
  type: quantitative
  axis: { title: "Resource" }
  aggregate: sum

color: {
  field: _source.values_names
  type: nominal
 "scale": {
    "domain": [
    "range": [

  legend: { title: 'File type' }
shape: {
  field: ""
  type: nominal


"config": {}

and the data looks like this :slight_smile:

time values values_names
1 512 300
1 512 194
2 512 95
2 . .
3 . .
3 . .
4 . .
4 .

Closing as a duplicate of Problem depicting Stacked bar graph - not working.