Version conflict engine exception when elasticsearch is upgraded to 7.5.0

Im seeing the following error only in the master node when upgrading elastcisearch from 7.4.0 to 7.5.0.
FAILED! => {"changed": false, "content": "{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"version_conflict_engine_exception\",\"reason\":\"[reserved-user-elastic]: version conflict, required seqNo [60], primary term [4]. current document has seqNo [61] and primary term [4]\",\"index_uuid\":\"Ay5cAnEQSrSl-gPRCcnkfA\",\"shard\":\"0\",\"index\":\".security-7\"}],\"type\":\"version_conflict_engine_exception\",\"reason\":\"[reserved-user-elastic]: version conflict, required seqNo [60], primary term [4]. current document has seqNo [61] and primary term [4]\",\"index_uuid\":\"Ay5cAnEQSrSl-gPRCcnkfA\",\"shard\":\"0\",\"index\":\".security-7\"},\"status\":409}", "content_length": "563", "content_type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "elapsed": 0, "json": {"error": {"index": ".security-7", "index_uuid": "Ay5cAnEQSrSl-gPRCcnkfA", "reason": "[reserved-user-elastic]: version conflict, required seqNo [60], primary term [4]. current document has seqNo [61] and primary term [4]", "root_cause": [{"index": ".security-7", "index_uuid": "Ay5cAnEQSrSl-gPRCcnkfA", "reason": "[reserved-user-elastic]: version conflict, required seqNo [60], primary term [4]. current document has seqNo [61] and primary term [4]", "shard": "0", "type": "version_conflict_engine_exception"}], "shard": "0", "type": "version_conflict_engine_exception"}, "status": 409}, "msg": "Status code was 409 and not [200]: HTTP Error 409: Conflict", "redirected": false, "status": 409, "url": "https://<host>:9200/_security/user/elastic/_password"}

Is there a way to fix this?

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