Visualize data from appsearch with kibana

I've been trying to figure out for a long time how I can create dashboards with information I get from the AppSearch API. Is it possible and if so could you tell me how? Or could you give me the necessary documentation?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Teckinfor !

There are some provided dashboards for monitoring purposes in this repo. Is this what you are looking for, or something more specific for App Search features?


I have found the solution in the meantime. I had not understood 2 things:

  • To make the index pattern, you had to activate the hidden indexes in the advanced settings of the creation, then create an index pattern .ent-search-engine-documents-*

  • I had empty fields in Discover, and it was because my time filter was too short and my events were more than a day old.

I say it for if it can help someone else :wink:

Happy you found the solution!

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