Watcher: dynamic index name does not work

I'm wanna limit searching indices in my watch by follow, but can not make it work.
Here is my watch indices config:

"indices": ["<my-name-{now/M{YYYY.MM.dd}}>"]

What is the right way?


can you share the full watch plus the output of the execute watch API for further debugging?



I'm sorry for being late in response. Here are my watcher configuration and its output:

Watcher configuration:
{ "trigger": { "schedule": { "cron": "0 0/1 * * * ?" } }, "input": { "search": { "request": { "search_type": "query_then_fetch", "indices": [ "<my-name-{now/M{YYYY.MM.dd}}>" ], "types": [], "body": { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "match": { "my-field": "TEXT_MATCH" } }, { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}||-60s", "to": "{{ctx.trigger.triggered_time}}" } } } ] } }, "aggs": { "ip_aggs": { "terms": { "field": "ip" } }, "xxx_aggs": { "terms": { "field": "xxx" } } }, "_source": [ "ip", "name", "xxx" ] } } } }, "condition": { "compare": { "": { "gte": 1 } } }, "actions": { "my_webhook": { "webhook": { "scheme": "http", "host": "", "port": 80, "method": "post", "path": "/index.php", "params": {}, "headers": {}, "body": "{{ctx.watch_id}}+++{{#ctx.payload.aggregations.src_ip_aggs.buckets}} {{key}}({{doc_count}}) {{/ctx.payload.aggregations.src_ip_aggs.buckets}}^newline^{{#ctx.payload.aggregations.switch_ip_aggs.buckets}} {{key}}({{doc_count}}) {{/ctx.payload.aggregations.switch_ip_aggs.buckets}}" } } }, "throttle_period_in_millis": 180000 }

and watcher output:
{ "watch_id": "my-watch-name", "state": "execution_not_needed", "_status": { "state": { "active": true, "timestamp": "2017-05-29T09:35:11.142Z" }, "last_checked": "2017-05-30T02:29:00.401Z", "actions": { "my_webhook": { "ack": { "timestamp": "2017-05-29T09:35:11.142Z", "state": "awaits_successful_execution" } } } }, "trigger_event": { "type": "schedule", "triggered_time": "2017-05-30T02:29:00.401Z", "schedule": { "scheduled_time": "2017-05-30T02:29:00.000Z" } }, "input": { "search": { "request": { "search_type": "query_then_fetch", "indices": [ "<my-name-{now/M{YYYY.MM.dd}}>" ], "types": [], "body": { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "match": { "my-field": "TEXT_MATCH" } }, { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}||-60s", "to": "{{ctx.trigger.triggered_time}}" } } } ] } }, "aggs": { "ip_aggs": { "terms": { "field": "ip" } }, "xxx_aggs": { "terms": { "field": "xxx" } } }, "_source": [ "ip", "name", "xxx" ] } } } }, "condition": { "compare": { "": { "gte": 1 } } }, "metadata": { "name": "my-watch-name" }, "result": { "execution_time": "2017-05-30T02:29:00.401Z", "execution_duration": 1, "input": { "type": "search", "status": "success", "payload": { "_shards": { "total": 0, "failed": 0, "successful": 0 }, "hits": { "hits": [], "total": 0, "max_score": 0 }, "took": 0, "timed_out": false }, "search": { "request": { "search_type": "query_then_fetch", "indices": [ "<my-name-{now/M{YYYY.MM.dd}}>" ], "types": [], "body": { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "match": { "my-field": "TEXT_MATCH" } }, { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": "2017-05-30T02:29:00.000Z||-60s", "to": "2017-05-30T02:29:00.401Z" } } } ] } }, "aggs": { "ip_aggs": { "terms": { "field": "ip" } }, "xxx_aggs": { "terms": { "field": "xxx" } } }, "_source": [ "ip", "name", "xxx" ] } } } }, "condition": { "type": "compare", "status": "success", "met": false, "compare": { "resolved_values": { "": 0 } } }, "actions": [] }, "messages": [] }

It seems, that the index you are trying to query does not exist.

I think the index should be my-name-2017.05.01. You can try with curl like this, to test if the resolution is working, before putting this into a watch (sorry for the URL encoding)

curl -v 'http://localhost:9200/%3Cmy-name-%7Bnow%2FM%7BYYYY.MM.dd%7D%7D%3E' -u elastic:changeme

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"my-name-2017.05.01"}],"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"my-name-2017.05.01"},"status":404}


I expected to see my-name-2017.05.01 in the output, instead of the original configuration. The output makes me think that the syntax was invalid. I think better output is my-name-2017.05.01 whether the index does exist or not.

Actually, I index data by week number, for example my-name-2017.22 for current week. I found the %W for the week number, is that right? What's the right configuration for my weekly index in watcher?

Very thank you.

What is returned, if you call this without a watch, by just executing a regular search request? Let's try to remove as much out of the equation as possible first.


Finally, I change my index name from weekly to daily because I can not find the suitable date configure for that. I'm using this index name: <my-name-{now/d{YYYY.MM.dd}}>, it works.

Due to the output, while watcher is working fine, it's still <my-name-{now/d{YYYY.MM.dd}}> instead of my-name-2017.05.31. As I said above, this output confuses me so much and I expected that is my-name-2017.05.31

Thank you for your help.

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