I have managed to configure a one node cluster to send out email alerts, with the same configuration on a three node cluster I get the following error:
"type": "messaging_exception",
"reason": "failed to send email with subject [Report test] via account [smtp_account]",
"caused_by": {
"type": "s_m_t_p_send_failed_exception",
"reason": "501 5.1.7 Invalid address\n",
"caused_by": {
"type": "s_m_t_p_sender_failed_exception",
"reason": "501 5.1.7 Invalid address\n"
This is strange given that I changed the account name within each of the cluster configs to smtp_account_dev. The only meaningful difference between the two version is that the one that worked utilises elasticsearch 6.1.2 and is a one node cluster whereas the three node cluster utilise 6.1.1
This is the meaningful settings within the config:
xpack.security.enabled: false
xpack.watcher.enabled: true
xpack.notification.email.default_account: smtp_account_dev
xpack.notification.email.account.smtp_account_dev.profile: standard
xpack.notification.email.account.smtp_account_dev.smtp.host: smtp.???.??.com
Where am I going wrong?