Weighted Average in Kibana


I know there are some topics talking about this, but I still don't understand.

I want to create a metric in Kibana to contain the following calculation: (sum(a) + sum(b)) / sum(c), where a, b and c are another metrics.

I read some topics and documentation like https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations-metrics-weight-avg-aggregation.html

But I still don't know how to apply this in Kibaba.

Can anyone help me with this issue?


You can use Timelion to calculate values based on metric values.

Thanks for your answer.

The thing is I need to show this visualization in a dashboard with other visualizations. Is it possible to do this with a timelion?

The thing is I need to show this visualization in a dashboard with other visualizations. Is it possible to do this with a timelion?

Yes. Instead of using the Timelion app, create a timelion visualization in the Visualize app

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