What does timelion return in 0/0 (kibana 6.8.2)

I would like to ask a question about timelion, related to this topic :
What does timelion return in zero division (kibana 7.1.1)

The result of a division of 0 by 0 in JavaScript seems to be NaN.
So I tried on a code below:

.static(0).divide(0).if(eq, NaN, 0 ,1)

However, this returned an error: Timelion: Error: in cell #1: must be a number or a seriesList

I want to show 0 in straight forward manner using simple condition like above, though I do not know how to handle result of 0 divided by 0.

Try something like
.static(0).divide(.es().if(eq, 0 ,1))

It was an effective workaround to display 0 instead the result of 0 divided by 0.

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